Volume 9: Sustainable Energy Solutions for Changing the World: Part I

The Role of Electric Vehicles Aggregation in the Provision of Ancillary Services Mazin T. Muhssin, Abduallah Al-Mashhadani, Mazin N Ajaweed



The rapid increase of the renewable energy affects the power system in such way that could reduce the reliability of the system. The replacement of fossil fuel driven vehicles with electric vehicles (EVs) would also change the underlying demand and make the stabilization of the system frequency to become more difficult. This paper addresses the availability of electric vehicles for the provision of frequency response at different time of the day. A low frequency response is provided by stop charging the domestic EV batteries where applicable. Simulation results indicates that EVs are good elements for the provision of frequency response if a proper design of a control scheme is implemented considering the EV’s charging behaviour.

Keywords demand side response, dynamic load control, electric vehicles, smart grids, charging control algorithm

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Energy Proceedings