Transportation electrification can reduce dependence on fossil fuels and promote energy transition. In the literature, numerous research efforts have been dedicated to investigating the influence of diverse energy and climate policies on EV penetration. However, limited attention has been given to the specific effects of ride-hailing services on EV penetration and the broader sustainable energy transition. In this study, we combine a Stated Preference (SP) survey with a bottom-up transportation model to examine the role of ride-hailing services on EV penetration and energy transition. Our method provides the benefit of analyzing how individuals opt for ride-hailing services over other transportation modes for different trips, while also endogenously determining the technology mix. The results reveal that ride-hailing services have the potential to increase EV penetration by 2.46%, or by 2.89% if the ride is shared, thereby contributing to the transition towards clean energy. Policy interventions such as the implementation of carbon pricing and the promotion of public transport can further drive transportation electrification, showcasing a synergistic effect with ride-hailing services.
Keywords transportation electrification, ride-hailing services, energy transition, electric vehicle, ride-sharing services
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Energy Proceedings