Volume 54

Effect of thermal collection temperature of BIPVT module on power generation characteristics and total efficiency Youngsub An, Wang-Je Lee, Hong-Jin Joo, Deuk-Won Kim, Jongkyu Kim, Min-Hwi Kim



The Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal (BIPVT) module is a composite module that combines a photovoltaic module and a solar thermal collector module and has the advantage of producing power and heat at the same time. BIPVT module is affected by electric generation performance by heat collection performance. It is important to know the correlation between changes in power generation performance according to temperature changes of the BIPVT module. This study conducted a comparative experiment on temperature and power characteristics between different types of BIPVT modules without a glass cover. Three BIPVT modules with different thermal collection methods were installed in the mock-up facility at a vertical angle of 90° vertically facing to the south. As the experimental result, the total efficiency of BIPVT module was highest in Case (1) at 34.8%, followed by Case (2) at 19.8%, Case (3) at 17.2%, and Reference at 10.9%.

Keywords Solar energy, BIPV, BIPVT, Electric generation, Thermal collection

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Energy Proceedings