Energy storage systems are seen as key technologies in the decarbonisation of energy systems and are expected to ensure flexibility and security of supply in various applications. Depending on their operation within these applications, they contribute to changing the environmental impact of a specific energy system. In this study, energy storage is used to avoid wind energy curtailment. In order to show the effects on different energy systems, various comparable scenarios based on real energy systems were created. In the respective scenarios, a simulation was carried out without storage, then storage was added and its operation was optimised so that as much of the wind energy as possible was integrated. The ecological effect of this integration was analysed using the LCA method. The results show that in the scenarios where wind energy is curtailed, the use of storage has a positive environmental effect, because if the wind energy is integrated less fossil fuels are used.
Keywords energy storage, curtailment, optimisation, PyPSA, LCA
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Energy Proceedings