Incorporating Peltier heat pump techniques into
existing energy systems and designing new large-scale
applications require an understanding of the modelling
and analysis of the Peltier module at the system level.
Developing a specific application model for the energy
conversion process is crucial for understanding and
predicting the performance of Peltier-based systems.
From the point of view that the thermal domain of
desalination system can be easily translated to electrical
network system for heat transfer analysis. In the present
research work a thermal and electrical submodel of
Peltier module is developed from the fundamental
physics principles with circuit perspective based on the
governing of the operation of the Peltier modules. The
two submodels are interconnected, reflecting the
bidirectional coupling between the thermal and
electrical aspects of the Peltier module. In particular,
development and explanation of thermal
capacitance associated with the heat capacity of material
of the Peltier element is also described. Further, the
model is extended for the application in heat pump in
desalination system. The verification of the developed
model simulation is carried out with the Peltier module,
mounted on a heat sink and cold thermal mass, functions
to actively pump the heat produced from the heat source
in cyclic manner. A Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID)
controller is incorporated to the developed model for the
Peltier module for the further verification of system
temperature control within 1oC range for the set point
temperature. The Experimental arrangement is designed
and developed for the desalination system with the
Peltier module for the validation of model.
Keywords Peltier module, heat pump, thermal model, circuit analysis, seebeck effect, desalination system
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Energy Proceedings