As the climate change casts its shadow on our future, while temperatures are rising in a noticeable pace, thermal comfort in buildings are subjected to that effect in terms of future levels. This paper aims at evaluating thermal comfort levels in a pilot Passivhaus building, while integrating building simulation software, implementing new tools alongside the Passivhaus Planning Package, to produce multiple parameters as a detailed output for assessing the building indoor thermal status of users, during current and different future timelines and CO2 emission scenarios. Findings have predicted a set of PPD values for different timeline-CO2 emissions combinations, including recording a jump in PPD from 35% at the historical recent timeline of 2003-2017, to 94% at the timeline of 2080s of high CO2 emission scenario, during summer peaks at each timeline. Results have also identified a set of descriptive outputs regarding psychrometry, thermal sensation, and effective temperatures.
Keywords Passivhaus, PHPP, Natural Ventilation, Thermal Comfort, Building Simulations, Climate Change
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Energy Proceedings