In Chile, the government presented the National Green Hydrogen Strategy, which will allow the export of this renewable fuel created with zero-emission energy, a positive contribution to carbon neutrality. This study addressed the possibility of integrating a green hydrogen value chain in the port sector. The study focused on generating electricity from photovoltaic solar energy to produce enough hydrogen in electrifiers to power a fuel cell that generated electricity and residual heat. Two scenarios were calculated for hydrogen generation depending on the solar energy available to cover an electrical and thermal demand in ports 1 MWhe and 0.1 MWht, respectively. For this purpose, the Calliope tool was utilized for energy system sizing. Furthermore, it was determined that the cost of 1 kgH2 is 4.1 times higher than that of 1 liter of diesel to obtain the same 1 MWhe. Similarly, the Levelized Cost of Energy was calculated for two operating conditions.
Keywords green hydrogen, renewable energy resources, simulation energy systems, chain value
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Energy Proceedings