Volume 23: Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Post-COVID Recovery towards a Better Future: Part VI

Numerical simulation study of the influencing factors related to the blending of biomass syngas with coal Xinyu Ning, Kai Zhang, Yu Lei, Xiaole Huang, Yuhao Wu, henkun Wu, Wen Tang, Haoxuan Ding, Jian Huang, Lei Deng



Co-firing of biomass syngas with pulverized coal under oxygen-rich combustion conditions is an advanced technology that facilitates the utilization of biomass energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Numerical studies were conducted to investigate the characteristics of co-firing of biomass syngas with coal. The effect of biomass syngas injection position on the boiler combustion process when the total heat input to the boiler is stable. The simulation results show that the biomass syngas injection location also has an important effect on the co-combustion characteristics and NOx emissions. NO emissions were lowest when biomass syngas was injected at the bottom of the recombustion zone. This study can provide a reference for the operation and optimal design of biomass syngas cocombustion boilers

Keywords biomass syngas, co-firing, oxy-fuel combustion, injection position, numerical simulation

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Energy Proceedings