Volume 2: Innovative Solutions for Energy Transitions: Part I

Modeling Low-Carbon Energy Transition in the Territories: A TIMES-SUDPACA Model to Assess a Long-Term Decarbonization Strategy for the South-East Region of France Carlos Andrade, Sandrine Selosse



The SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region in southern France recently redefined its objectives concerning the decarbonization of its territory and especially of its energy system as a response to guidelines specified in different national climate-energy laws and plans, which establish targets to reach a low-carbon scenario by 2050. Thus, a TIMES-SUDPACA bottom-up optimization model representing the energy sector of Région SUD was developed in order to analyze the impact that these policies might have, and to propose alternative policies that might lead the region to achieving its energy transition. The decarbonization of Région SUD presents different challenges than for the rest of France, such as risks to the electricity supply due to a nonlooped electricity grid that affects the east of the region, and a high level of renewable potential, but low local energy production. The first results from the model show that with the use of available local renewable resources and a reduction in demand, decarbonization of Région SUD might be possible for some sectors, such as residential and commercial, but that the energy transition of the transport sector will require more accurate policies.

Keywords Regional energy system, Long-term modelling, TIMES-SUDPACA, Low carbon transition

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Energy Proceedings