Large scale grid expansion planning studies are essential to rapidly and efficiently decarbonizing the electricity sector.
These studies help policy makers and grid participants understand which renewable generation, storage, and transmission assets should be built and where they will be most cost effective or have the highest emissions impact. However, these studies are often either too computationally expensive to run repeatedly or too coarsely modeled to give actionable decision information. In this study, we present an implicit gradient descent algorithm to solve expansion planning studies at scale, i.e., problems with many scenarios and large network models. Our algorithm is also interactive: given a base plan, planners can modify assumptions and data then quickly receive an updated plan. This allows the planner to study expansion outcomes for a wide variety of technology cost, weather, and electrification assumptions. We demonstrate the scalability of our tool, solving a case with over a hundred million variables. Then, we show that using warm starts can speed up subsequent runs by as much as 100x. We highlight how this can be used to quickly conduct storage cost uncertainty analysis.
Keywords Electricity grid, decarbonization, expansion planning, gradient descent, scalability, interactive tools
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Energy Proceedings