This paper investigates the event-based secure control problem for networked power system subject to stochastic cyber-attacks. In order to make more effective use of network resources, an adaptive event-triggered mechanism (AETM) is developed, which differs from previous deterministic ETMs in that the designed trigger mechanism herein is based on stochastic dynamic variables. Moreover, the communication channel is contemplated for potential false data injection (FDI) attacks, while also considering the security performance of the networked power system. Then, the sufficient conditions for the system to satisfy the ℋ∞ performance index and mean-square exponential stable are given by using the Lyapunov stability theory, and the solvability of the security controller is obtained based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified by a simulation example.
Keywords power systems, secure control, adaptive event-triggered mechanism, FDI attacks
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Energy Proceedings