Volume 29: Closing Carbon Cycles – A Transformation Process Involving Technology, Economy, and Society: Part IV

Single player game for decision making in energy communities Andra Blumberga, Vita Brakovska, Ruta Vanaga, Girts Bohvalovs, Ritvars Freimanis



Decentralized energy systems are an integral part of the energy transition toward carbon neutrality. If the energy community manages a decentralized energy system, it becomes a setting where the social dilemma of the tension between individual selfish behavior and collective interest arises. Reaching agreement in this multi decision-makers environment is challenging and complex. A serious multiplayer game can become a deliberation platform for bargaining over solutions. In this study, a dynamic model to simulate energy efficiency measures and on-site renewable energy sources in an energy community located in an urban block of multifamily buildings and a single-player serious game interface to serve as a basis for the multiplayer game is developed. User experience and game mechanics were tested in three user groups. Decisions made by the user were assessed. Results show positive feedback and provide valuable recommendations for further research.

Keywords urban energy community, simulation game, role-game, system dynamics, serious games

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Energy Proceedings