Volume 28: Closing Carbon Cycles – A Transformation Process Involving Technology, Economy, and Society: Part III

Static Stability and Flame Macrostructure of Stratified Jet Flames Mohammad Raghib Shakeel, Esmail M. A. Mokheimer



Stratified Flames have gained prominence in the combustion research applications due to its improved stability and lower emission characteristics. In the present study, stratified jet flames are studied in a dual annular combustor. The static stability and the flame macrostructure have been presented and discussed. Stratification by making the inner annulus mixture rich was found to significantly improve the static stability limits. Furthermore, stratification by making the inner annulus rich was found to lead to attached flame at lower equivalence ratios of 0.22-0.38. Thus, stratification is more helpful at lower equivalence ratios.

Keywords Stratified flames, static stability, lean blowoff limit, dual annular burner

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